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Former Trump adviser and ambassadors met with Netanyahu as Gaza war strains US

Posting time:2024-06-04 00:09:59

WASHINGTON (AP) — Former national security adviser Robert O’Brien on Tuesday said he and two U.S. ambassadors who served in the Trump administration met with Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other officials from the country.

John Rakolta, who served under Trump as ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, and Ed McMullen, who served as ambassador to Switzerland, participated in the meeting. Reuters reported first on the meeting.

Former President Donald Trump is the presumptive 2024 GOP presidential nominee challenging President Joe Biden’s reelection. O’Brien notified the Biden administration of the trip, as it is routine for former senior officials.

The meeting happened as the United States-Israel relations hit a low point over Biden’s decision to hold up the delivery of heavy bombs. He has warned other provisions may be suspended as well if Israel takes on a widescale operation in the southern Gaza city of Rafah.

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